Smart camera for continious area control

Portable camera that detects moving objects, their types and coordinates


Surveillance camera for the battlefield that detects moving objects and coordinates by recognition of object types.



Камера Rcam
IoT camera

The camera notices any tiny movement 24/7

Інтерфейс Rcam
Moving objects are automatically recognized

Moving objects are marked with a blue rectangle

Комплект Rcam

Camera Set

Technical specifications

ParameterUnit of measureValueComment
Range of movement detection vechical / human manuallymeters1000 / 350night: 500 / 250
Range of movement detection vechical / human with AImeters400 / 200night: 400 / 200
Resolution of main cameramegapixels8 
Image zoomX0digital: 10Х
Thermal vision resolutionpixels256/192 
Recognition methodneural network2 different algorythms

1. object detection

2. movement detection

Camera weightkg500 grfull set: 7 kg
Temperature rangedegrees, C-30 to +50 
Tablet resolutionpixels2000*1200 
Power consumptionW20 
Camera Protection ІР65, fall 3 m 
One powerbank capacityА60included 2 pcs
Frame heating maxdegrees, C70at air T + 50 degrees, C
Continuous operation timehours12per one powerbank at air T = 0 degrees, C


Fully passive

System does not emit any radiation, thermal or other waves making it nearly impossibly to identify with radio intel, visually or with thermal vision

High survavibility

Not influenced by EW, hard to destroy due to very small size camera module and little thermal sign

Operator safety

Operator may work in 15-3000m distance from camera due use of optical cable and metal case



Yaroslav Parkhisenko, СЕО

phone: +48 576132579

e-mail: [email protected]

Warsaw, Poland